The team vistied Tikun Olam school, the tour was together with Yoash Mayende (the school principal), Yona, and four teachers from the school. The school has 19 teachers who educate 350 students between the ages of 4-15 mixed of both Jewish and non-Jewish students and staff. The school has three classroom buildings and a small computer room, all of which receive electricity from a solar powered system. The school also has a borehole that supplies water for the area.
Yoash is focal person for the school. The school has agricultural land of 5 acres. There is a also a small garden (1/3 acre) where students receive instruction from one of the school teachers. The activity at the garden is done with the understanding that most students will engage in agriculture in adulthood, so by getting involved in gardening they will gain vital agricultural knowledge
The vegetable garden is well maintained and is used for growing maize, sweet potatoes, eggplant, kale and cassava. The agricultural produce grown is intended to feed the students. There is also interest in establishing more profit oriented crops that can serve as income generation for the school. In addition, there is a plan to establish a livestock program at the school that will allow students to gain experience in this area as well.
The outbreak of Covid-19 has resulted in classes being discontinued and this has resulted in difficult economic times for the school and urgent need for donations.